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Henry Yampolsky - Author, Mediator, Educator and Speaker

Transform conflict interactions into opportunities for growth, connection, and dialogue

Transform Conflict Interactions

Develop Self-Awareness

Expand Understanding

Conflict is not something we must fear or avoid

Transform your conflict interactions into opportunities for growth, connection, and dialogue by learning to respond to conflict with strength, clarity, compassion, and ease, instead of reacting to it with fear, avoidance, or aggression.

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I am a professional mediator, author, educator and TEDx speaker passionate about leading transformative conversations.

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Having worked with hundreds of complex conflicts, I understand how difficult it can be to respond to conflict with strength, clarity, compassion, and ease, instead of reacting to conflict with fear, avoidance, or aggression.

Henry Yampolsky, J.D.Author, Mediator, Educator and Speaker

Transform conflict interactions into opportunities for growth, connection, and dialogue.

Transform Conflict Interactions

Learn mindful, powerful and introspective tools for responding to conflict with strength, clarity, and ease.

Create Space for Dialogue

Transform potentially difficult conversations into opportunities for growth, connection, and dialogue.

Gain Clarity and Inspiration

Understand what conflict is and be inspired to build meaningful, lasting and fulfilling connections with others.

It's Time to Transform your Conflict Interactions

1. Purchase the Book.

Purchase the Dis-Solving Conflict from Within book to discover the inner path for conflict transformation.

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2. Hire Henry as a Mediator/Facilitator.

Henry is an experienced mediator and facilitator and has worked with variety of complex conflicts around the world including: civil rights and equity matters; higher education conflicts; change management; organizational development; cross-cultural disputes; and political upheaval.

Hire Henry

3. Book Henry to Speak.

Henry is an inspiring and insightful speaker who has taught, lectured, and spoke around the world included from the TEDx stage.

Invite Henry
Henry Yampolsky, J.D. is the co-founder, president, and CEO of Living Peace Institute.  Trained as a lawyer, Henry is a peace educator, mediator, conflict coach,  author and TEDx speaker.  He is passionate about empowering people to have transformative conversations and brings compassionate, intuitive, and mindful demeanor to his work.
Henry has lectured at Columbia University School of Law and has taught conflict resolution, mediation, negotiation, restorative justice, and mindfulness skills to senior UN diplomats, members of the New York Police Department, and top executives around the world.  He has also mediated and facilitated hundreds of complex conflicts.
Henry is also a master-level Sattva Yoga teacher, trained in Rishikesh, India. He frequently teaches yoga and leads yoga and meditation workshops and retreats. Henry incorporates the deep wisdom of yoga in his conflict resolution, coaching, training, and consulting practices.
Prior to co-founding the Living Peace Institute, Henry was a partner with one of the leading litigation boutique law firms in Philadelphia and has been repeatedly recognized as one of the top lawyers in Pennsylvania.
Henry has earned his Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Temple University and his Bachelor’s from the University of Scranton.  Having been born in Kiev, Ukraine, Henry is fluent in Russian and Ukrainian.
Henry is a passionate adventure motorcyclist and has crossed the Himalayas on a single cylinder Royal Enfield motorcycle.

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Begin Your Transformation Journey Now

Are you tired of reacting to conflict with fear, avoidance, or aggression?  Transformative, introspective principles of conflict transformation, namely tuning inward, observation without evaluation, expansion, and exploration can help you learn to respond to conflict and other life’s challenges with strength, clarity, and ease.
Are you frustrated with how to have meaningful conversations with people you profoundly disagree with?  The key to interacting with others, especially those we have profound disagreements with is to move beyond positions to and through interests, emotions, values, and needs. It is also about seeing the complexity and nuance in each person and issue and thus not reducing people to a single label or conclusion.
Are you tired of all the polarization and division we face?  What if you could learn to lean into conflict by engaging with your courage to be curious and seeing the complexity and nuance of any situation.
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